Veer Dosi

Polymath | CS/Biz @ NTU

Trying to maximize my potential.Goals

You become interesting by combining multiple interests. You become interesting by not being beholden to popular opinion You don’t become interesting by trying to copy other interesting people
See my work photo of me

Cool Stuff that I have done

My Motto: ora sicut est up to deus, opus sicut est up to vos (Pray like it’s up to god, Work like its up to you). Hustling by building startups, learning to code (and checking out Artificial Intelligence), creating skills, and learning (and exploring) as much as I can. I like adventure, travel, working out unconventional solutions, and re-reading Harry Potter.


Research/Lab Assistant

Yash Technologies

Software Engineering Intern

The Handbook for the Enterprising Teen


The Veer Dosi Show


Applications of Federated Learning in IoT for Hyper Personalisation


No Code Hunt
